Visa & Immigration

Visa & Immigration Indonesia

How long  will you stay?

All you need to know about tourist Visa and Immigration in Indonesia.

We advise you, to spend some time here and see what visa “solution” would apply to you. If you only want to visit as a tourist for less than 30 days, then citizens of more than 140 countries have nothing to worry about (see list below). Just make sure the passport is valid 6 months minimum or 12 month for the social & culture visa!

Also it is important know know that an Indonesian visa does take up a whole page so make sure you have enough empty pages.

Some countries might refuse you on the plane to Indonesia if you can not prove a return date depending on what visa you have in your passport.

Free Visa on Arrival (non-extendable, max 30 days in total)

If you want to stay 30 days or less and if your country is listed below you then qualify for a free visa. You can NOT extend this free visas in any way.Day of arrival counts as day one, day of departure counts as full day. Passport must be always valid for minimum of 6 months.

PAID VISA on Arrival (extendable, max 60 days in total)

If you want to stay more then 30 days and if your country is listed below then this is the visa you want. This PVOA cost US$35. This you need to pay in cash on arrival in US$ or IDR. Day of arrival counts as day one, day of departure counts as full day. Passport must be always valid for minimum of 6 months.After the 30 days you can then extend this visa for another 30 days. You can get an extension in the nearest immigration office yourself or with the help of an agent. An agent useally cost you about US$50.

Social Visa or Cultural Visa (extandeble 4 times, max 180 days in total)

With this visa you get 60 days stay on arrival. This visa makes sense if you wish to stay longer then the 60 days in Indonesia. The visa is extendable 4 times for 30 days at the time. You can get an extension in the nearest immigration office with the help of an agent. An agent usually cost you about US$50.You aply for this visa in any Indonesian embassy outside of Indonesia. Some countries might ask you for a sponsor letter together with your application. The application cost varies in different countries. Day of arrival counts as day one, day of departure counts as full day. Passport must be always valid for minimum of 12 months.

FREE ENTRY VISA for 140 countries, non-extendable
lbania, Guatemala, Philippines, lgeria, Guyana, Poland, Andorra, Haiti, Portugal, Angola, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Antigua, Barbuda, Hong Kong, Qatar, Argentina, Hungary, Romania, Armenia, Iceland, Russia, Australia, India, Rwanda, Austria, Ireland, Samoa, Azerbaijan, Italy, San Marino, Bahamas, Jamaica, Sao Tome, PrincipeBahrain, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Jordan, Senegal, Barbados, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Belarus, Kenya, Seychelles, Belgium, Kiribati, Singapore, Belize, Kuwait, Slovakia, Benin, Kyrgyzstan, Slovenia, Bhutan, Laos, Solomon Island, Bolivia, Latvia, South Africa, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Lebanon, South Korea, Botswana, Lesotho, Spain, Brazil, Liechtenstein, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Lithuania, St Kitts and Nevis, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, St Lucia, Burkina Faso, Macau SAR, St Vincent, GrenadinesBurundi, Macedonia, Suriname, Cambodia, Madagascar, Swaziland, Canada, Malawi, Sweden, Cape Verde, Malaysia, Switzerland, Chad, Maldives, Taiwan, Chile, Mali Tajikistan, China, Malta, Tanzania, Commonwealth of Dominica, Marshall Islands, Thailand, Comoros, Mauritania, Timor-Leste, Costa Rica, Mauritius, Togo, Cote D’Ivoire Mexico, Tonga, Croatia, Moldova, Trinidad & Tobago, Cuba, Monaco, Tunisia, Cyprus, Mongolia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Morocco, Turkmenistan, Denmark, Mozambique, TuvaluDominican Republic, Myanmar, Uganda, Ecuador, Namibia, Ukraine, Egypt, Nauru, United Arab Emirates (UAE), El Salvador, Nepal, United Kingdom, Estonia, Netherlands, Uruguay, Fiji, New Zealand, United States, Finland, Nicaragua, Uzbekistan, France, Norway, Vanuatu, Gabon, Oman, Vatican City, Gambia, Palau, Venezuela, Georgia, Palestine, Vietnam, Germany, Panama, Zambia, Ghana, Papua New Guinea, Zimbabwe, Greece, Paraguay, Grenada, Peru.

PAID VISA on Arrival

List of countries that can get a PAID VISA on Arrival. If you wish to stay between 30 and 60 days, then this is a good option. This visa is extendable whiles in Indonesia.

Algeria India, Russia, Argentina, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Japan, Slovenia, Bahrain, Kuwait, South Africa, Belgium, Latvia, South Korea, Brazil, Liechtenstein, Spain, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Suriname, Canada, Luxembourg, Sweden, Cyprus, Maldives, Switzerland, Czech, Malta, Taiwan, Denmark, Mexico, Timor, Leste, Egypt, Netherlands, Tunisia, Emirates (UAE), New Zealand, Turkey, Estonia, Norway, United Kingdom, Fiji, Oman, United States, Finland, Panama, France, China, Germany, Poland, Greece, Portugal, Hungary, Qatar, Iceland, Romania

If you have a passport from a country that is NOT LISTED above then you HAVE TO apply for a visa ABROAD – in one of the Indonesian embassies or consulates.
For further information please contact the Indonesian Embassy in your home country. Make sure you start to apply a few weeks before your departure and get all necessary documents ready.

For citizens from the following 10 countries it CAN be challenging to get a standard tourist visa. The local agent here in Indonesia can NOT organise a standard sponsorship letter; and tourists will have to go through the Indonesian Embassy abroad. There is one exception, which is called a Calling Visa, which the visa agent can initiate to process. However there are costs involved of up to US$2000.
1. Afghanistan2. Guinea3. Israel4. North Korea5. Cameroon6. Liberia7. Niger8. Nigeria9. Pakistan10. Somalia

Overstaying in Indonesia Calculating the Days 

How many days can you stay with a Visa on Arrival or a free stamp?
You would not be the first one attempting to leave Indonesia assuming that you are spot on, but as it turns out, the immigration officer surprises you with a smile asking you for some extra cash – you overstayed.
Good to know:- The VoA and free stamp is NOT VALID FOR ONE MONTH. It’s 30 days- The day of arrival counts as day one- The day of departure also counts as a full day

Over staying New regulation since Oct 1st 2017. The fee for overstaying has been raised. If you overstay you will have to now pay a penalty of 1.000.000 IDR per day, instead of 300.000 IDR as it use to be.

Up to 3 days is usually no problem, you will simply pay the fee at the immigration counter without getting hassled and questioned (stay polite at all times).  After overstaying for 60 days, you will be detained and possibly imprisoned.

Good reasons for overstaying?

If you have good and valid reasons for overstaying longer than 3 days (e.g. hospitalization, flight cancellations due to volcanic ashes, strike, etc.) then you still pay the penalty but you won’t get hassled even if you overstayed for 2 weeks. However, make sure to bring the necessary documents with you if possible, that can proof your valid reasons (hospital report etc).

We do our utmost best to keep on top of the immigration rules, but we cannot be held responsible for this information or any service provided by any agent. The official immigration website of Indonesia is

Have fun and be safe!



